Greetings from Tawd Vale Adventure Centre. Three months into the camping season and everything is up and running.
The grass mowing has started and we all know that once you start mowing there’s no stopping till around October! However all sites have now had at least two mows, so all looking good. It hasn’t got rid of the wildlife though – you might have seen the video of the deer herd which seem to spend a lot of time on site, which were on the Tawd Vale Facebook page recently. They don’t tend to be around at weekends, unless you are very quiet or no one else is there. The pheasants are beginning to be noisy as the male pheasants begin to gather their ‘harems’. It’s amazing how much wildlife, particularly the birds, use Tawd Vale as home. Somebody did a count and found we have around 50 different species on site and that was just a quick count. It would be great to do a proper survey and see just how many we have as part of the Tawd Vale 100 Strategy for managing the site.
New car park planters are looking good and we should see lots of colour from the seeds, planted in early April, very soon. As always, we had a magnificent display of daffodils and snowdrops earlier in the year. We now look forward to the wildflowers taking over during the next few weeks.
Coronation weekend saw a group of us working on the potholes that have appeared in the roadway and improving the pedestrian access from the carpark to camp centre. We were joined by three groups who enjoyed some really good weather. Also on-site were a group of adults completing their assessment for tomahawk throwing. They all passed so hopefully we’ll have some people willing to offer instruction to our campers!
Keeping Tawd Vale in good shape is an ongoing and worthwhile effort. Our Tawd Vale Active Support Unit volunteers do an amazing job, and we’re always looking for more people to pitch-in – whether that’s every so often or even weekly, like our Tawd Tuesday group. If you’d like to join Team Tawd to help with maintaining the estates or buildings, help out in the shop at weekends, or instruct activities, please get in touch via Dave Price ([email protected]). This is your campsite and we always need help to keep it going.
The summer months are going to be really busy and we are pleased to welcome the new Scout section event SPLAT 2023, which looks to be an amazing weekend. We also welcome back High Adventure after a three year gap. Not quite in the same format as with National Citizenship Service (NCS), but with a new format and geared towards local providers. They will be with us from the end of May for around 6 weeks.
We look forward to welcoming loads of you on site over the summer.