Assistant County Treasurer for Tawd Vale

Where: Tawd Vale Adventure Centre, Lowry Hill Lane, Lathom, Lancashire L40 5UL Contact: Sam Robinson (County Treasurer) Contact Email: Contact Phone: 01517072671 Open Volunteer Spots: Unlimited

Do you have a background in finance or accountancy, and a desire to help facilitate life-changing opportunity for young people?

Would you enjoy being part of our team that helps those young people develop Skills for Life and flourish as contributing members of our communities?

If so, a fantastic opportunity has arisen to join our team of trustees to assist in the governance of our charity, to play a key role in the growth of Scouting in the region and help us drive progress towards the vision we have for our 8747 young people and adult volunteers across Merseyside.

Scouting actively engages and supports young people in their personal development, empowering them to make a positive contribution to society, and you can play a key role in making that happen.

As assistant to our County Treasurer you will play an active role in making key decisions about the finances of the charity and the management of our assets as well as ensuring the good governance and ongoing reporting of our financial position.

Specifically, we see this role as being instrumental to helping deliver our plans for our Tawd Vale Adventure Centre (TVAC). The centre has been a core of Scouting on Merseyside for many decades and has a strong emotional bond with thousands of people who have experienced the many camps and events taking place there. We have ambitious plans to invest in, and develop TVAC as a leading outdoor centre in the UK. This position provides financial oversight and support to our committee responsible for the running and development of the site and you will be key to this exciting project.

Role Description


The Assistant will support the County Treasurer in providing sound financial administration, support and information to the Executive Committee and Group, District or County/Area/Region in accordance with the Policy, Organisation and Rules of The Scout Association. As we move towards a digitalisation of our accounts and modernisation of our procedures and policies, the post holder will progress various projects and initiatives.

Responsible to

County Treasurer

Appointment Requirements

Must successfully complete the appointment process (including acceptable personal enquiries and acceptance of The Scout Association’s policies). It is expected that whilst volunteering for this role you will undertake regulated activity.

Main Tasks

  • Support County Treasurer in managing and monitoring the financial activities of the County and Executive Committee. 
  • To support/lead finance initiatives including digitalisation of accounts and processes at County level.
  • Provide support to Treasurer for MCSC for activities pertaining to finances and governance of accounts and financial process.
  • Support the preparation and presentation of financial reports and accounts to the Executive Committee.
  • To support/lead finance initiatives and digital projects relating to Tawd Vale Adventure Centre.
  • Membership and attendance of any finance working groups or sub-Committees set by the Executive Committee where appropriate.
  • Participate in the creation of budgets and financial planning and monitoring of these. 
  • Ensuring that all financial reports, annual statements of account and supporting documents (including receipts, cheque books and bank statements) are maintained accurately and in accordance with legal regulations.
  • Supporting County Treasurer in ensuring that the County is financially able to function, has appropriate reserves and accounting procedures and controls in place.
  • Support the preparation of the Annual Statement of Accounts for independent examination and approval by the Executive Committee and presenting these at the Annual General Meeting.
  • Supporting the process of Independent Examination of the Annual Statement of Accounts in accordance with Policy, Organisation and Rules.

General Committee Responsibilities

  • To be a full and active participant in Finance Committee meetings and activities.
  • To provide representation at County Executive where required.
  • Willingness and eligibility to act as a Charity Trustee for the County.
  • Contribute to the strategic aims and future development of the County.
  • A commitment to understanding and forming opinions on the key discussion points and responsibilities of the Finance Committee.
  • Willingness to complete various tasks which support the work of the Executive Committee and aims of the County.

Skills and Behaviours Required

The candidate must be able to consistently demonstrate behaviours consistent with creating the Team Merseyside culture.

The role requires:

  • Strong IT/Digital skills
  • Strong organisational skills
  • Strong communication skills
  • Ability to work as part of a team
  • Able to think creatively and solve problems
  • Able to analyse financial information effectively
  • Ability to summarise financial information for different audiences
  • Able to maintain independent and objective judgement
  • Demonstrates behaviours consistent with our values


The ideal candidate should possess, or be working towards a business or finance related degree, such as:

  • Accountancy
  • IT disciplines and desirably those relating to finance/administration
  • Business Studies
  • Economics
  • Finance

Express Interest in Volunteering

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